Every year we send students to serve alongside communities for the summer challenging them to grow individually with God, with their teammates, and other communities. We believe that God calls us to live as servants to pour out to others daily. Through these experiences, we find that God will mold and form us in three main ways: Spiritual and Personal Growth, a missional focus in life through Cross- Cultural Service, and Future Preparedness. Because of Jesus we believe that we are able to cross cultural barriers to serve alongside others, allowing for a glimpse of the Kingdom to come here and now. Messenger is one of the Core Four programs of Annex as we believe that it echoes our desire to focus our efforts on the Kingdom of God, foster a lifelong investment towards service, and to solidify partnerships cross– culturally.
Questions about Messenger? Reach out to our coordinator Zanne Backous at [email protected] or read more by following any one of the links directly below.